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Natural Awakenings Jacksonville-St. Augustine AND Greater Daytona Beach

Physical and Mental Wellness are Inextricably Linked

Amy Zygart, Pharm.D, The Spiritual Pharmacist, works as spiritual life coach with healthcare professionals and others that are struggling with burnout and looking to fall in love with their life again. She says, “I have a deep passion for self-development and mindset work, quantum physics and Law of Attraction.” Her personal mission is to help 10,000 healthcare professionals heal from burnout and fall in love with their life again. She advises, “I’m shooting for the stars, and I realize it takes a community and a village to make miracles like this happen!”

Zygart advises, “Becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions is so important to managing stressful situations. The body responds to the brain/mind, and that’s why even when a stressor is removed but your thoughts revisit the stressful situation, the body still believes it’s exposed to that stressor. Taking care of our thoughts is essential to navigating through life with more ease.”

Her parents came from Poland in the 1980s. “Growing up in a first-generation family, I didn’t really know what that meant until relatively recently. My main mission for most of my childhood was focusing on working hard to acquire a degree that would provide financial stability for my future life,” she shares. “I had no idea that on my way to pursuing a pharmacy doctorate that I would stumble upon what I believe is my next calling in this chapter of my life: spiritual life coaching.

Zygart cites inspiration from the works of Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah Winfrey and Abraham Hicks, noting, “I love that a few of these spiritual teachers also started their journeys out in the medical field and integrated medicine with spirituality.”

Her medical experiences revealed that burnout is ubiquitous in many settings, which prompted her to search for more meaning and fulfillment in life. “This is where my love for self-development, spirituality and life coaching came into the picture,” explains Zygart. “I felt a deep desire to spend all of my time researching and reading up on more information regarding these topics. Following my soul’s calling transformed my life and freed me from the belief that I needed to be performing at my best 24/7. Burnout is so prevalent in health care, especially during and post-pandemic, and now my mission is to help others heal from burnout and prevent it from happening again in the future. It doesn’t feel like a job to me. It comes from an inspiring place in my heart and soul.”

Zygart advises, “I think what I have to offer is unique. I incorporate spiritual practices and teachings along with practical strategies and plans and develop a personalized framework with my clients. The beautiful thing is the practices and teachings can be also applied to all other aspects in life, and it’s meant to help my clients be better equipped for future life situations.”

Ailments she sees most often include stress, fatigue, loss of motivation and people that feel like they’re just going through the motions of life. “Not having the proper stress-reducing techniques leads us to having constant and chronic stress, which causes havoc on our bodies and minds,” she observes.

As for future projects, “My two-year plan is to maximize my one-on-one coaching schedule and then eventually transition to group coaching and developing an online community where other like-minded healthcare professionals are looking for love and support,” says Zygart. “I also would like to incorporate local live workshops on building resilience and overcoming burnout and provide teaching opportunities in speaking engagements for healthcare professionals and students becoming healthcare professionals.”

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